
Turkish government orders tugs to boost emergency response

Rising demand for emergency towage and safer seas has led to the Turkish government’s Directorate General of Coastal Safety to order salvage ships

Sanmar Shipyards has won a contract from the Directorate General of Coastal Safety (DGCS) of Turkey to build two azimuth stern drive (ASD) tugboats to a Robert Allan Ltd design for search, rescue and salvage operations.

Sanmar has already delivered four search and rescue and salvage tugs to the directorate’s fleet.

A contract-signing ceremony was held at Sanmar’s Altinova Shipyard in the heart of the Turkish maritime sector, where the two new tugs will be built. Both Boğaçay class, 24-m tugboats will be built to RAmparts 2400 SX MKII design with a bollard pull of 75 tonnes.

They will have FiFi1 class off-ship fire-fighting capabilities and propulsion consists of two main diesel engines driving two azimuth thrusters, complying with IMO Tier III environmental standards.

DGCS said these tugs will help to ensure the safety of maritime operations around Turkey by providing towing, escort and fire-fighting services.

“The Directorate General of Coastal Safety carries out vital work around the coast of Turkey and we are able to supply them with the powerful tools they need to do this,” said Sanmar Shipyards chairman Ali Gürün.

Sanmar Shipyards vice chairman Cem Seven remarked, “Given Turkey’s strategic location and extensive coastline, maritime trade and tourism have significant potential. Sanmar Shipyards enhances emergency response capabilities by building modern, high-performance tugboats for the directorate. This collaboration strengthens both the maritime sector and our country’s maritime safety.”

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